
Web-only retailers may not have brick and mortar operations, but customers are demanding the same remarkable experiences from their phones and laptops. As a result, a strong supply chain is not just an operational imperative, it’s a key facet of the customer experience.


Our solution addresses the unique challenges faced by e-commerce brands. With tools to help you grow profitability alongside revenue, we help you improve supply chain performance and bridge the digital and real worlds so your customer experience stands out from the pack.

In addition to the core benefits provided by the Traverse Platform, e-commerce brands rely on our solution to:

  • A box on a conveyor belt
    Easily identify, record, and communicate trouble shipments for fast resolution
  • Two rectangular shapes connected by a dotted line
    Reduce late shipping and short shipping
  • A subsection of an open maze
    Enter quick and easy mobile audits to collect supplier performance data
  • A circular arrow pointing back to itself
    Automatic charge creation, calculation, and communication to eliminate future problems
  • Interlocking shapes, some filled in, some not
    Master data management to support item dimensions
  • A dog-eared document
    Ensure supplier requirements with a fast, efficient receiving process

Real-World Results

Traverse Systems customers see dramatically reduced errors, increased cost recoveries, and less operational friction.

  • Net Cost Recoveries up 28% - 111%
  • On-Time Delivery up 7% - 22%
  • Total Order Cycle down 4% - 12%
  • Total Fill Rate up 2% - 28%
  • Initial Fill Rate up 13%
  • PO Accuracy up 32%
  • ASN Accuracy up 3%

Upgrade Your E-commerce Solutions

Our premium offerings enhance bidirectional supply chain visibility and communication between partners.

Passport is a premium vendor portal that can be added to any Traverse Solution to improve information flow from vendor to retailers and back again.

Scaffold alleviates and streamlines manual data-entry, permissioning, and sharing across the entire enterprise so you can get more done, faster.

Let’s Get Started

Get in touch for a free consultation from a Traverse Systems supply chain professional.